Dobermann (en)
Originating in Germany in the late 1800’s and gaining official recognition in 1900, the Dobermann is known as a faithful and loyal guardian. [...]
Katja Rauhut2020-02-28T08:57:07+01:00Kategorien: Grooming-Artikel (EN)|Tags: Dobermann, glanz, Grooming, Kurzhaar, Pflege, Plush Puppy|
Originating in Germany in the late 1800’s and gaining official recognition in 1900, the Dobermann is known as a faithful and loyal guardian. [...]
Katja Rauhut2020-02-28T08:54:53+01:00Kategorien: Grooming-Artikel (EN)|Tags: Dalmatian, Dalmatiner, Flecken, Grooming, Kurzhaar, Pflege, Plush Puppy, Punkte|
An ancient breed, dating back to 2000BC, when spotted dogs appeared on Greek and Egyptian wall murals, showing them working with the chariots [...]
Katja Rauhut2020-02-28T08:48:20+01:00Kategorien: Grooming-Artikel (EN)|Tags: Dachshund, Dackel, Grooming, Kurzhaar, Langhaar, Pflege, Plush Puppy, rauhaar, Teckel|
The Dachshunds are a popular breed, stipulated as 3 coat varieties and divided again by 2 sizes making this a busy breed for [...]
Katja Rauhut2020-02-27T20:03:05+01:00Kategorien: Grooming-Artikel (EN)|Tags: Cardigan, Corgi, Grooming, Kurzhaar, Pembroke, Pflege, Plush Puppy|
I get to meet a lot of people in my travels and adore talking to Corgi exhibitors as they are, for the most, [...]
Katja Rauhut2020-02-27T19:40:46+01:00Kategorien: Grooming-Artikel (EN)|Tags: Cane Corso, Grooming, Kurzhaar, Pflege, Plush Puppy|
Smart, trainable, and of noble bearing, the assertive and confident Cane Corso is a peerless protector. The Corso’s lineage goes back to ancient [...]
Katja Rauhut2020-02-27T19:35:30+01:00Kategorien: Grooming-Artikel (EN)|Tags: Bull Terrier, Grooming Pflege, Kurzhaar, Plush Puppy|
Born of a time when gentlemen bred for gentlemen with a great sense of fair play, the Bull Terrier harks back to around [...]
Katja Rauhut2020-02-27T19:31:44+01:00Kategorien: Grooming-Artikel (EN)|Tags: british bulldog, Bulldog, Grooming, Kurzhaar, Pflege, Plush Puppy|
This beautifully balanced member of the dog show fraternity, could easily be dismissed as a no frills dog because of his short coat [...]
Katja Rauhut2020-02-27T19:23:34+01:00Kategorien: Grooming-Artikel (EN)|Tags: Boston Terrier, Grooming, Kurzhaar, Pflege, Plush Puppy|
Known as “the American gentleman” this sturdy little dog with his alert and gentle expression, was recognised by the AKC in the early [...]
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